Holy Week Booklet

Holy Week art activities, Holy Week colouring, Holy Week sequencing and Holy Week writing activities compiled in an easy to print booklet for use in Catholic schools.
Choose one activity or complete the whole booklet. There are 5 activities included in this printable booklet.
This teaching resource includes;
  1. Holy Week Sequencing booklet - make a little booklet for Holy Week
  2. Holy Week Information Report (7 page template) - questions include; What happened on Palm Sunday? What happened at the Last Supper? Why did Jesus was the feet of his disciples? What happened in the Garden of Gethsemane? What happened on Good Friday? What happened on Easter Sunday?
  3. Hey Week Colouring
  4. Holy Week title page/colouring (landscape)
  5. Holy Week Wreath


  • Version
  • Download 65
  • File Size 1.68 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date March 20, 2021
  • Last Updated April 12, 2023