This download includes 'classroom cash' templates to use as a behaviour management strategy in the classroom. Help students learn about money whist also utilising it as a positive praise behaviour management system.
Classroom cash can be used to buy treats, prizes or classroom privileges. The way you use the classroom currency is up to you!
The template includes;
- Colour money template with 'cash values' Â of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 notes.
- Black and white money template with no monetary value
Simply print, cut  and laminate the classroom currency and take on all your casual days. Would you like to pick a different classroom management system? Click here to find one that suits your class.
- Version
- Download 53
- File Size 1.68 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date February 4, 2020
- Last Updated April 12, 2023